#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
#define endl '\n'
class syp{
ostream* ost; // output stream pointer
syp(ostream* is){ // accepting 'cout' as constructor argument
ost = is; // assigning 'cout' to output stream ost
friend syp operator<<(const syp&, const char*); //(lft operand -> class obj,rht operand -> char*/int /double)
friend syp operator<<(const syp&, const int); // e.g. syp<<8;
friend syp operator<<(const syp& s, const double x);
friend syp operator<<(const syp& s, const char c);
syp operator<<(const syp& s, const char c){
s.ost->put(c); // put (const char) is a function of ostream class
return s; // return class syp object 's'
syp operator<<(const syp& s, const char* os){
s.ost->write(os,strlen(os)); // write (const char*, length) is a function of ostream class
return s;
syp operator<<(const syp& s, const int x){
s.ost->operator<<(x); // operator<<(const int) is an operator of ostream class
return s;
syp operator<<(const syp& s, const double x){
s.ost->operator<<(x); //operator<<(const double) is an operator of ostream class
return s;